Results for 'R. A. Nisbet'

970 found
  1.  58
    Guy Lee: Virgil's Eclogues. The Latin Text with a Verse Translation and brief notes , 1.) Pp. vii + 88. Liverpool: Francis Cairns, 1980. Paper, £4. [REVIEW]R. G. M. Nisbet - 1981 - The Classical Review 31 (2):290-290.
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  2.  72
    Lexicon Horatianvm - Dominigus Bo, Lexicon Horatianum. Vol. i: A–K. Pp. xiii+276. Hildesheim: Olms, 1965. Cloth, DM. 49.80. [REVIEW]R. G. M. Nisbet - 1966 - The Classical Review 16 (03):325-327.
  3. Cicero's Letters - D. R. Shackleton Bailey: Towards a text of Cicero, ad Atticum. Pp. ix+104. Cambridge: University Press, 1960. Cloth, 27 s. 6 d. net. [REVIEW]R. G. M. Nisbet - 1961 - The Classical Review 11 (03):238-240.
  4.  32
    A New Teubner of Martial.R. G. M. Nisbet - 1992 - The Classical Review 42 (01):50-.
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  5.  69
    A Rival Teubner Horace.R. G. M. Nisbet - 1986 - The Classical Review 36 (02):227-.
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  6.  55
    Concordantia Horatiana: a Concordance to Horace. [REVIEW]R. G. M. Nisbet - 1992 - The Classical Review 42 (1):192-193.
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  7.  63
    A New Teubner of Martial D. R. Shackleton Bailey (ed.): M. Valerii Martialis Epigrammata, post W. Heraeum. (Bibliotheca Teubneriana.) Pp. xx + 542. Stuttgart: Teubner, 1990. DM 168. [REVIEW]R. G. M. Nisbet - 1992 - The Classical Review 42 (01):50-51.
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  8.  54
    A Rival Teubner Horace - D. R. Shackleton Bailey: Q. Horati Flacci Opera. Pp. x + 372. Stuttgart: B. G. Teubner, 1985. DM. 64. [REVIEW]R. G. M. Nisbet - 1986 - The Classical Review 36 (2):227-234.
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  9.  46
    A Handbook to Cicero - L. Laurand: Cicéron (2 e édition). Cicéron: Volume complémentaire. Pp. 5 and 1–220; 221–533. Paris: ‘Les Belles Lettres,’ 1935, 1934. Paper. [REVIEW]R. G. Nisbet - 1935 - The Classical Review 49 (05):190-.
  10.  12
    A Commentary on Horace: Odes Book I.Edmund T. Silk, R. C. M. Nisbet & Margaret Hubbard - 1971 - American Journal of Philology 92 (3):488.
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  11.  17
    On Intellectuals. [REVIEW]R. J. B. - 1969 - Review of Metaphysics 23 (2):365-366.
    Ever since Plato's Republic, a persistent problem and dilemma in Western thought has been the relation of the love of wisdom and political power, especially the role that the intellectual does or ought to play in the world of action. This volume includes both theoretical studies and case studies of modern intellectuals. Most of the articles have been published before but several, including T. Parson's "'The Intellectual': A Social Role Category" and J. Netl's "Ideas, Intellectuals, and Structures of Dissent" were (...)
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  12.  14
    Tulane Studies in Philosophy, Vol. V. [REVIEW]R. P. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (4):727-728.
    Eight articles written by members of the Tulane philosophy department. The contributions range from a discussion of classifications of supposition in medieval logic by Louise Nisbet Roberts and a comparatively lengthy consideration of the relationship between universals and individuals by James K. Feibleman to an attempt by Paul G. Morrison to clarify in a restricted system the expressions, 'invariance,' 'homogeneity,' and 'heterogeneity.'--R. P.
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  13.  32
    Social Change and History. [REVIEW]J. B. R. - 1969 - Review of Metaphysics 23 (2):352-352.
    This is at once a fascinating, illuminating, perceptive, and perplexing book. It has many virtues. There are probably few intellectuals in any "discipline" who can write about the sweep of Western civilization with such scope, insight, and perceptiveness. Nisbet has attempted to write a history of a metaphor which has exerted an enormous influence on Western thinking from the Greeks until our time. It is the metaphor of organic development as applied to the understanding of social development. According to (...)
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  14.  48
    Mixed or Single-Sexed School?John Nisbet & R. R. Dale - 1970 - British Journal of Educational Studies 18 (1):91.
  15.  87
    Paolo Fedeli: M. Tulli Ciceronis De Officiis. Pp. 229. Rome: Mondadori, 1965. Paper, L. 3,000.R. G. M. Nisbet - 1967 - The Classical Review 17 (2):223-223.
  16.  81
    Iosephus Em. Pabón: M. Tulli Ciceronis Pro P. Cornelio Sulla Oratio. Pp. 63. Rome: Mondadori, 1964. Paper, L. 1,500.R. G. M. Nisbet - 1966 - The Classical Review 16 (1):118-118.
  17.  71
    Franciscus Pini: M. Tulli Ciceronis Timaeus. Pp. 62. Rome: Mondadori, 1965. Paper, L. 1,500.R. G. M. Nisbet - 1966 - The Classical Review 16 (3):413-413.
  18.  70
    Bernhard Kytzler: Horaz. (Artemis Einführungen, 17.) Pp. 137. Munich and Zurich: Artemis, 1985. Paper, DM 19.80.R. G. M. Nisbet - 1987 - The Classical Review 37 (2):306-306.
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  19.  70
    Cicero's de Legibus.R. G. M. Nisbet - 1960 - The Classical Review 10 (03):228-.
  20.  70
    Cicero, De Provinciis Consularibus, § 6.R. G. M. Nisbet - 1961 - The Classical Review 11 (03):201-.
  21.  37
    Cicero, Philippics ii. 103.R. G. M. Nisbet - 1960 - The Classical Review 10 (02):103-104.
  22.  96
    (1 other version)Cicero's Philippics.R. G. M. Nisbet - 1961 - The Classical Review 11 (03):235-.
  23.  59
    Franz Wieacker: Cicero als Advokat. Pp. 27. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1965. Paper.R. G. M. Nisbet - 1966 - The Classical Review 16 (01):118-119.
  24.  50
    Horaz Walter Wili: Horaz und die augusteische Kultur. Pp. 414. Basel: Schwabe, 1966. Cloth, 38 Sw. fr.R. G. M. Nisbet - 1968 - The Classical Review 18 (01):55-57.
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  25.  38
    Herculeus Labor.R. G. M. Nisbet - 1993 - The Classical Review 43 (02):273-.
  26.  48
    Horace, Odes i and ii.R. G. M. Nisbet - 1975 - The Classical Review 25 (02):212-.
  27.  36
    Interpolations in the Tusculans.R. G. M. Nisbet - 1966 - The Classical Review 16 (01):57-.
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  28.  79
    Luigi Lombardi: Dalla 'fides' alla 'bona fides'. Pp. xii + 261. Milan: Giuffrè, 1961. Paper, L. 2,000.R. G. M. Nisbet - 1963 - The Classical Review 13 (02):231-232.
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  29.  64
    Religion and Mythology in Horace.R. G. M. Nisbet - 1976 - The Classical Review 26 (01):32-.
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  30.  57
    Repetition in Latin Poetry: Figures of Allusion. J Wills.R. G. M. Nisbet - 1998 - The Classical Review 48 (2):298-300.
  31.  57
    Review. Selected Classical Papers. DR Schackleton Bailey.R. G. M. Nisbet - 1999 - The Classical Review 49 (2):415-416.
  32.  73
    (1 other version)Speeches of Cicero.R. G. M. Nisbet - 1966 - The Classical Review 16 (03):335-.
  33.  59
    The Budé Pro Cluentio.R. G. M. Nisbet - 1955 - The Classical Review 5 (01):73-.
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  34. The Dating of Seneca's Tragedies, with Special Reference to Thyestes.R. G. M. Nisbet - 2008 - In John G. Fitch, Seneca. New York: Oxford University Press.
  35. The foundations of probability.R. H. Nisbet - 1926 - Mind 35 (137):1-27.
  36. Cicero's Speeches - R. Gardner: Cicero, The Speeches. With an English translation. (1) Pro Sestio, In Vatinium. (2) Pro Caelio, De Provinciis Consularibus, Pro Balbo. (Loeb Classical Library.) Pp. xx + 374; xx + 385. London: Heinemann, 1958. Cloth, 18 s. net each. [REVIEW]R. G. M. Nisbet - 1960 - The Classical Review 10 (01):37-39.
  37.  22
    Elements of the Philosophy of Right. [REVIEW]Kenneth R. Westphal - 1992 - Review of Metaphysics 45 (4):859-861.
    Book review: G. W. F. Hegel, Elements of the Philosophy of Right. A. W. Wood, ed., H. B. Nisbet, tr.
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  38. Clausulae - B. Sträterhoff: Kolometrie und Prosarhythmus bei Cicero und Livius: De imperio Cn. Pompei und Livius 1,1–26,8 kolometrisch ediert, kommentiert und statistisch analysiert (2 vols). Pp. 938 (1–499 + 500–938). Oelde: Druckerei R. Festge, 1995. Paper. ISBN: 3-00-000-383-5. [REVIEW]R. G. M. Nisbet - 1997 - The Classical Review 47 (2):311-313.
  39.  61
    Review. Homoeoteleuton. Homoeoteleuton in Latin dactylic verse. D R Shackleton Bailey.R. G. M. Nisbet - 1996 - The Classical Review 46 (2):243-245.
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  40.  48
    Puppes Sinistrorsum Citae.C. B. R. Pelling - 1986 - Classical Quarterly 36 (01):177-.
    Nisbet and Kraggerud make good cases for taking the ninth Epode as a dramatic recreation of the Actium campaign. Horace begins in fearful anticipation; then the crisis comes, first on land and then on sea; Antony turns to flight; and — even though some danger remains, and there is metus as well as joy at the end of the poem — the celebrations can finally begin. On this reading there remains the familiar problem of vv. 17–20: at huc frementes (...)
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  41.  78
    M. Tulli Ciceronis Pro C. Rabirio Postumo Oratio. Edidit Ioannes Carolus Giardina. Pp. 46. Rome: Mondadori, 1967. Paper, L. 1,000. [REVIEW]R. G. M. Nisbet - 1971 - The Classical Review 21 (1):133-133.
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  42.  39
    Arnold-Bradley-Mountford. [REVIEW]R. G. Nisbet - 1939 - The Classical Review 53 (2):83-84.
  43.  39
    (1 other version)Augustus and the Poets. [REVIEW]R. G. M. Nisbet - 1993 - The Classical Review 43 (2):296-297.
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  44.  33
    Abhinc und Ante. Studien zur Geschichte der lateinischen Zeitdifferenzbestimmungen. [REVIEW]R. G. M. Nisbet - 1963 - The Classical Review 13 (2):230-231.
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  45.  57
    Cicero's Brutus and Orator in the Loeb Library - Cicero, Brutus, with an English Translation by G. L. Hendrickson; Orator, with an English Translation by H. M. Hubbell. Pp. v+538. (Loeb Classical Library.) London: Heinemann, 1939. Cloth, 10s. 6d.; leather, 12s. 6d. [REVIEW]R. G. Nisbet - 1940 - The Classical Review 54 (02):89-91.
  46.  12
    Cicero's Brutus and Orator in the Loeb Library. [REVIEW]R. G. Nisbet - 1940 - The Classical Review 36 (2):89-91.
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  47.  36
    Cicerón, Discursos, vol. x: Defensa de L. Murena, Defensa de P. Sila. [REVIEW]R. G. M. Nisbet - 1958 - The Classical Review 8 (3-4):285-286.
  48.  31
    Cicero's Philippics André Boulanger, Pierre Wuilleumier: Cicéron: Discours. Tome xix: Philippiques i–iv. Texte établi et traduit. (Collection Budé.) Pp. 200 (mostly double). Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1959. Paper, 9 fr. [REVIEW]R. G. M. Nisbet - 1961 - The Classical Review 11 (02):135-136.
  49.  61
    Cicerón, Segunda Acción contra Verres: Libro quinto, Los Suplidos. [REVIEW]R. G. M. Nisbet - 1958 - The Classical Review 8 (3-4):285-285.
  50.  46
    Cicero, The Caesarian Orations. [REVIEW]R. G. M. Nisbet - 1966 - The Classical Review 16 (3):412-413.
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